OTC Skincare:

In today’s marketplace, there are more skincare products than a single person can keep track of and it is always changing! It can be confusing for anyone and my patients frequently ask me for my input. The following options are a good start.
Before we dive in, it is important to keep in mind that there is not one product that is best for everyone. Some people have lighter skin which brings issues with redness and others have dark skin which can bring irregular pigmentation. Some are oily where others are dry. People have different skin types and different issues so finding a product that is best for you is the key.
Try a few of these and see what works best for you! Give it a fair try too (at least 8 weeks).
If you decide to explore others, that’s certainly okay! Just make sure that it is an oil-free product that is “non-comedogenic” (meaning doesn’t create acne – it should have this written on the bottle).
Gentle Cleansers
- Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser
- Cerave Hydrating Cleanser
- Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser
Facial Moisturizers
- Cerave PM Moisturizing Lotion
- Vanicream Lotion
- Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer
Facial Sunscreens
- Cerave AM Moisturizing Lotion
- Neutrogena Clear Face
Make up
- Almay
- Neutrogena
- IT Cosmetics CC