
Acne comedones are a type of acne that dermatologists see every day in clinic. These are different from the red, angry, inflammatory papules and pustules that we imagine first when thinking of acne. These dark brown to black spots can be of all shapes and sizes and are known as open comedones.
Where can I get comedones (blackheads)?
These spots can show up when we are using skin care products that are too thick and occlusive. Yes, I mean that the skin care product is literally blocking the pores and creating a blockage of oil (aka sebum). Therefore, they most commonly show up where oil production is greatest – on the face. But they can be seen anywhere, including the back or the legs. This sebum (oil) can then become oxidized and turn brown or black, therefore creating a blackhead.
Is this from my skincare products?
It could be! Occlusive topical skincare products are items such as pure white petrolatum (Example: Vaseline®) or products that are designed to be thicker, like those made for patients with sensitive skin, eczema or psoriasis. Even popular skincare brands, like Cerave®, Cetaphil®, or Aveeno®, have different lines of products that can worsen your acne if you use it in the wrong way. But some people with bad acne develop these spots even without the help of thick skincare products.
So what should I do the next time I’m browsing for facial skincare products?
The key is to look at the label of all of your facial skincare products and make sure that it says “non-comedogenic” on the label. This means that the specific product should not contribute to or worsen your acne.
In many patients, simply just switching to non-comedogenic products will bring nice improvements to their skin.

Is there a way to treat these acne spots?
Absolutely! Make sure to see a board-certified dermatologist if you wish to undergo a procedure or chemical peels as both are options. I still see patients every week who have had procedures done by individuals who pose as experts, but have had little to no training. It’s a crazy world out there today! So make sure you do your research and find someone who is knowledgeable. Your board-certified dermatologist can address the comedones that you have presently AND also discuss with you how to prevent them from coming back again!
If you are interested in learning more, click the ‘Request Appointment’ Icon in the lower right hand corner of your screen to schedule an appointment with a board-certified dermatologist today!